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2018-2019 KINDERGARTEN SUPPLY LIST Parent/Guardian: You will notice that the supply list varies slightly depending on what your child’s last name starts with.  Most supplies can be purchased in advance for the upcoming school year.  There are some items the class will share, and you will not need to label.
Do Not Label 1 Roll of Paper Towels (Last Name A-M) 1 Box of Tissues (Last Name N-Z) 10 Glue Sticks 1 Container of Clorox Wipes 1 Package of Pencil Top Erasers (No Novelty Erasers)
Please Label These Items 1 Plastic School Box (8" x 5" approximately) *1 Pair of tennis shoes for PE 1 Backpack (Large enough to hold a large book) 4  Pencils, #2-Regular Size 4 Boxes of 24 count Crayola Crayons (Please initial each crayon) 1 Pair of child size scissors. 1 Paint shirt,  1 Crayola Watercolor Set 4  2 pocket folders for papers, 1  Mead Wide Rule Spiral Notebook
* If you send your child in tennis shoes every day, you do not need to bring an extra pair of shoes. We suggest an older pair for PE shoes, as they may need to be replaced as feet grow later in the year.
**You may need to send crayons or glue sticks as needed
OPTIONAL:  1 package of seasonal stickers  Music: One box of Kleenex labeled MUSIC  Art: One bottle of hand soap labeled ART

Contact Me

¡Trabajemos juntos para asegurar el éxito de su hijo! Si desea hablar conmigo sobre su hijo o cualquier cuestión de clase, envíeme un correo electrónico a [insert email address here]. Responderé a todos los correos electrónicos dentro de las 24 horas.

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